Against the wind Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band It seems like yesterday But it was long ago Janey was lovely, she was the queen of my nights There in the darkness with the radio playing low And the secrets that we shared The mountains that we moved Caught like a wildfire out of control Till there was nothing left to burn and nothing left to prove And I remember what she said to me How she swore that it never would end I remember how she held me oh so tight Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then Against the wind We were running against the wind We were young and strong We were running against the wind And the years rolled slowly past And I found myself alone Surrounded by strangers I thought were my friends I found myself further and further from my home And I guess I lost my way There were oh so many roads I was living to run and running to live Never worried about paying or even how much I owed Moving eight miles a minute for months at a time Breaking all of the rules that would bend I began to find myself searching Searching for shelter again and again Against the wind A little something against the wind I found myself seeking shelter against the wind Well those drifters days are past me now I've got so much more to think about Deadlines and commitments What to leave in, what to leave out Against the wind I'm still running against the wind Well I'm older now and still running against the wind Well I'm older now and still running against the wind Against the wind Against the wind |
逆風而行 巴布席格 & 銀色子彈樂隊 彷彿還是昨天 其實已是很久以前了 那時候的珍妮多麼美麗,她是我的夜之皇后 黑暗中,廣播節目輕聲播放著 那些我們分享過的小秘密 那些我們撼動過的山岳 像一把失控的野火 直到一切燃燒殆盡,不能證明什麼 我還記得她曾說過的話 她發誓這一切都不會結束 我還記得她緊緊握著我的手 多麼希望現在的我還是不明白當時不明瞭的事 逆風........ 我們逆風而行 那時我們年輕而強悍 我們逆風而行........ 歲月流轉,緩緩而逝 才發覺自己孓然一身 身邊圍繞著一群我以為是朋友的陌生人 發覺自己已離家越來越遠........ 我想我已失去方向 前方有太多的路 我為流浪四方而活,也為生活四處奔波 不曾因為付帳或欠多少錢而煩惱 經年累月,來去匆匆 打破所有可以變更的規則 我開始尋找不斷尋覓的自我 不斷的尋找著避風港 逆風而行........ 逆風前進的一些堅持 發覺自己在尋覓著遮風蔽雨之所 那漂泊的歲月已從我身邊溜走 我有許多可供思索的回憶 期限與承諾 什麼該留?什麼該走? 逆風........ 我依然逆風而行 如今我已年老,卻依然逆風而行 如今我已年老,卻依然逆風而行 逆風而行........ 逆風而行........ |
![]() 那時候每個禮拜收聽警廣和 ICRT 揭曉全美流行排行榜是一件大事。余光的節目介紹前 20 名,ICRT 則完整播放前 40 名。還沒有電腦、網路的那個年代,除了聯合報影劇版會在每週五刊出前 10 名的歌名和演唱者以外,相關文字、圖片、背景資料的取得相當不易,就這樣連歌名、歌手都似懂非懂的聽了好幾年。 " Against the wind "這首歌就是在那個時候聽到的,只記得它進入前 10 名後沒幾週就退出了,演唱者沙啞蒼老的嗓音唱出的旋律並不甜美,感覺上還行,談不上特別喜歡。 演唱者是 Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band,對於巴布席格我當然無感,倒是一直記得「銀色子彈」這個特別的名字,電影裡它是殺死狼人最有效的武器。 十多年後,聽的音樂多了,耳界寬了深了,早已不在意誰是本週排行榜冠軍。當我在唱片行看到巴布席格的精選輯 CD,二話不說便拿到櫃台結帳。我猜自己一直有懷舊及補償心態,想藉著收集唱片把逝去的青春歲月拼湊完整。 回到家,按下 CD 唱盤的不累鍵,似曾相識的" Against the wind "流瀉而出........老式的南方搖滾依舊,巴布席格的嗓音似乎更蒼老了些;後段鋼琴與電吉他的間奏不慍不火,彷彿年邁智者淡定冷對世間的風浪起落,竟聽得我眼角泛淚長嘆一口氣,年輕時沒能聽懂的似乎在那一剎那全明白了! " Against the wind "收錄在巴布席格 1980 年發行的同名專輯。在訪問中巴布席格表示,他在高中時期是一位越野賽跑選手,那段經常逆著風跑的日子成為他創作" Against the wind "的靈感,是他寫給自己的歌。幕後和聲是鼎鼎大名的 Eagles 老鷹合唱團主唱 Glenn Frey 葛倫佛萊,顯見兩人的好交情。 每隔一段時間,老安會清理隨身聽裡的音樂,汰舊換新。但" Against the wind "被灌進去之後,從來沒有想要把它刪除。隨著年紀漸長,每多聽一遍就更愛它一分,因為它也是一首老安要送給自己的歌。 您的隨身聽裡,也有這樣的一首歌嗎? |
" Against the wind "的吉他教學