喬許葛洛班 + 克里斯伯堤的熟男版,深夜時分聆聽真是動人........
( YouTube 裡這段演出的高畫質影片都被下架了!)
Broken vow Lara
Fabian Tell me her name I want to know the way she looks And where you go I need to see her face I need to understand why you and I came to an end Tell me again I want to hear Who broke my faith in all these years Who lays with you at night When I'm here all alone Remembering when I was your own *I'll let you go, I'll let you fly Why do I keep on asking why ? I'll let you go Now that I found a way to keep somehow More than a broken vow Tell me the words I never said Show me the tears you never shed Give me the touch That one you promised to be mine Or has it vanished for all time (*) I close my eyes And dream of you and I And then I realize There's more to life than only bitterness and lies I close my eyes I'd give away my soul to hold you once again I'll never let this promise end (*) |
破碎的誓言 蘿拉菲比安 請告訴我她的姓名 我想知道她的模樣 以及此刻你的去向 我要瞧瞧她的臉龐 為何我們感情破滅收場 請再說一遍 我想親耳聽見 是誰阻斷我依賴你的習慣 是誰與你共度整個夜晚 讓我獨自一人忍受孤單 回憶你呵護我的時光 我會讓你遠離,我會讓你高飛 但為何我不斷地問自己為什麼? 我會讓你離去 終日恍惚,不知所以 如今我得到的不只是破碎的誓言 說給我聽你還不曾對我表露的愛語 讓我看看你還不曾為我掉落的淚滴 請擁我入懷 那是你曾經許下的承諾 不然這一切所有即將成幻影泡沫 我閉上眼睛 沉入只有你我的夢境 頓時才神會心領 現實只有痛苦與欺矇 我閉上雙眼 我願出賣靈魂,只要能再擁你入懷 我絕不讓這誓言灰飛煙滅 |
中文翻譯由樂友 camue007 完成,翻譯版權保留,欲轉載或有任何意見,請寫信給他!
希臘裔歌手喬治派里斯的現場演唱,2014 年
小賈姬將這首歌唱成法文歌詞的" Imaginer ",2011 年
喬許葛洛班在《 Closer 》專輯中的演唱,2002 年