Jackaroe Joan
Baez There was a wealthy merchant In London he did well He had a lovely daughter The truth to you I'll tell Oh, the truth to you I'll tell She had sweethearts a-plenty and men of high degree There was none but Jack the sailor Her true love ever could be Oh, her true love ever could be Now Jackie's gone a-sailing with trouble on his mind To leave his native country and his darling girl behind Oh, his darling girl behind She went into a tailor shop and dressed in men's array And stepped on board a vessel to convey herself away Oh, convey herself away "Before you step on board, sir Your name I'd like to know" She smiled all in her countenance, "They call me Jackaroe" Oh, they call me Jackaroe "Your waist is light and slender, Your fingers are neat and small Your cheeks too red and rosy to face the cannonball" Oh, to face the cannonball "I know my waist is slender, my fingers neat and small But it would not make me tremble to see ten thousand fall" Oh, to see ten thousand fall The war soon being over They hunted all around And among the dead and dying Her darling boy she found Oh, her darling boy she found She picked him up all in her arms And carried him to the town And sent for a physician who quickly healed his wounds Oh, who quickly healed his wounds This couple they got married So well they did agree This couple they got married So why not you and me Oh, so why not you and me |
傑克羅 瓊拜雅 從前有一個富商 他在倫敦經商非常成功 他有一個美麗的女兒 等會兒我會把真相告訴你 噢!等會兒我會把真相告訴你 她有顆豐饒甜美的心,身邊有許多高尚的男子 但只有水手傑克 才是她永遠的真愛 噢!她永遠的真愛 傑克即將啟航出征,煩惱縈繞在他心頭 因為他將離開祖國和,離開心愛的女孩 噢!離開他心愛的女孩 她走進一家服飾店,穿上男人的衣服 然後登上船艦甲板,準備跟著出航 噢!準備跟著出航 " 先生,在您登上甲板之前 先請教貴姓大名? " 她臉上笑容可掬: " 人們都叫我傑克羅 " 噢!人們都叫我傑克羅 " 你的腰太纖細 你的手指小巧而優雅 你的臉頰過於紅潤,無法面對猛烈的砲擊 " 噢!無法面對猛烈的砲擊 " 我知道自己的腰太細,手指纖細而優雅 但我不會顫抖,即使看到成千上萬顆砲彈落下 " 噢!即使看到成千上萬個砲彈落下 戰爭很快就結束了 他們四處搜尋 在陣亡和垂死掙扎的人們中 她找到了心愛的男孩 噢!她找到了心愛的男孩 她抱起他,擁在懷裡 將他帶到城裡 請了大夫過來,很快治好了他的傷勢 噢!很快治好了他的傷勢 這對戀人後來結成了連理 過得非常幸福 這對戀人後來結成了連理 你我為何不能像他們一樣? 噢!你我何不能像他們一樣? |
![]() 1917 年出版、由 Olive Dame Campbell 和 Cecil Sharp 合著的《 English Folk Songs From the Southern Appalachians 》,記載說其中的" Jack Went A-Sailing "是常被引用的早期版本。1989 年出版,Dianne Dugaw 所寫的《 Warrior Women and Popular Balladry, 1650 - 1850 》則寫到 1934 年在美國密蘇里州採集到" Jack Monroe ",並註明這個版本在 1830 年代左右即流傳於波士頓一帶。 " Jackaroe "這首歌後來成為民謠搖滾歌手的必備曲目,錄音版本不少,幾位重量級人物均曾留下錄音,如巴布狄倫、瓊拜雅;The Grateful Dead 死之華合唱團灌唱的是" Jack-A-Roe "這個版本。 民謠歌后瓊拜雅經常演唱早期民歌,她的現場錄音《 Joan Baez In Concert 》是喜愛民謠的歌迷必備的名盤,原本於 1962 和 1963 年分成兩集發行,重發 CD 版時,唱片公司將曲目重新編排合併成一張。老安年輕時就是為了" Jackaroe "而買了這套專輯。 聽過瓊拜雅不少演唱,其歌聲清麗甜美,技巧天成溫潤如玉,待唱罷初歇之際爆出如雷掌聲,老安才驚覺竟是現場錄音。瓊拜雅完美無暇的演繹,是許多後生晚輩在錄音室裡反覆琢磨也難以攀登的奇峰峻嶺,這首現場錄音的" Jackaroe "正是如此,也是老安心中的決定版。歌詞敘述的那段淒美的愛情故事,則是絕美歌聲之外的絕佳贈品。 《 Joan Baez In Concert 》這套專輯也是注重音樂重播效果的音響迷非買不可的發燒片,各位有空的話,可參考普洛文化出版的《 劉仁陽談唱片 》(下) "第 44 頁,看看音響界耆宿劉仁陽對這張專輯的評價。 |
The Grateful Dead 死之華合唱團演唱的" Jack-A-Roe "
傳統民謠風味的" Jack-A-Roe "