and let die Paul McCartney *When you were young and your heart was an open book You used to say live and let live (you know you did, you know you did, you know you did) But if this ever changing world in which we're living Makes you give in and cry **Say live and let die Live and let die Live and let die Live and let die What does it matter to you When you got a job to do You gotta do it well You gotta give the other fellow hell ( *,** ) |
非生即死 保羅麥卡尼 當你年輕時,內心像一本敞開的書 你總是說,要與大家共生共存、相互寬容 (你很清楚你真的說過........) 但我們居住的這個世界不斷在改變 逼得你放棄,放聲哭泣 那就拼個你死我活吧! 順我者生,逆我者亡 非生即死 生死難容 這對你有什麼影響? 當你有任務在身 你就得全力以赴 讓其他人下地獄 |