這首歌老安最愛瓊拜雅 1976
年現場演唱的版本,收錄在她 1977 年的精選輯
night they drove old Dixie down Joan Baez Written by J. Robbie Robertson Virgil Caine is my name and I drove on the Danville train 'Til so much cavalry came and tore up the tracks again In the winter of '65, we were hungry, just barely alive I took the train to Richmond that fell It was a time I remember, oh, so well *The night they drove old Dixie down And all the bells were ringing The night they drove old Dixie down And all the people were singing They went, "Na, na, na, na, na, na, .... " Back with my wife in Tennessee And one day she said to me, "Virgil, Quick! Come see! There goes Robert E. Lee." Now I don't mind'em chopping wood And I don't care if the money's no good Just take what you need and leave the rest But they should never have taken the very best (*) Like my father before me, I'm a working man And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand Oh, he was just 18, proud and brave But a Yankee laid him in his grave I swear by the blood below my feet You can't raise a Cane back up when he's in defeat (*) |
那一夜,他們打敗了南方聯軍 瓊拜雅 我名叫佛吉肯恩,服務於往返丹維爾的列車 直到大批騎兵隊前來,再度拆毀了鐵軌 1865 年的冬天,我們都餓著肚子,快活不下去了 我搭著火車前往已淪陷的里奇蒙市 那是我永難忘懷的一段時光,啊........ 那一夜,他們打敗了南方聯軍 所有的鐘聲都響了起來 那一夜,他們打敗了南方聯軍 每個人都在歌唱 他們唱著:啦啦啦........ 和老婆一起回到了田納西 有一天,她對我說: " 佛吉,快點來看! 羅伯李將軍走掉了 " 我不在乎聯軍忙著劈木砍柴 我也不管錢的來源是否正當 想要的全部拿走,其餘留下 但他們永遠奪不走最美好的東西 就像我的父親,我現在是個工人 就像我的兄長,我也起義造反 噢!當時他才十八歲,驕傲而英勇 但有個北方佬使他長眠墓中 我以腳下的鮮血立誓 即使被擊倒,你也找不到人取代我--佛吉肯恩 |
1860 年美國總統選舉,林肯當選第 16 任美國總統。來自美國北方的共和黨總統候選人亞伯拉罕林肯,是反對奴隸制度的溫和派,雖然不是解放黑奴的倡言者,但他認為蓄奴不人道,而一向以奴隸來發展產業的南方對此感到強烈反對。 在他入主白宮前,有七個州脫離聯邦,1861 年 2 月 9 日,它們組織建立了一個新的南方政府—美利堅聯盟國( Confederate
States of America ),傑佛森戴維斯( Jefferson Davis )為總統,並且依據美國憲法建立政府。這些州分別是:
這些事件引發了內戰 ( Civil War,1860-1865 ) :一場長達四年的殘忍、血腥的衝突,南方各州戰敗,約有五百萬以上的美國人在這場終止奴隸制度的戰爭中犧牲。
首張專輯就有極高評價的 The Band
合唱團,團員 Robbie Robertson 羅比羅伯森對南北戰爭產生興趣,特地研究其歷史緣由,也到南方各州實地勘查,寫下了" The night
they drove old Dixie down
關於美國內戰--南北戰爭,以下為樂友 Thomas 王的意見:
說到這兒,似乎會讓人感覺,民主是多數強姦少數的政治制度;當年的美國,國會中的議員依人口比例選出,當然是人口密集的工業北方票數多,為了保護自己工業發展,投票對歐洲國家進口的機械課以重稅;南方的農業所需要的,偏偏是品質精良、操作便利、故障率低的機工具,自己國家北方所生產的顯然不符合需求,受到北方各州議員的表決,利益受到嚴重損失,才會憤而脫離聯邦,另外組成新的聯邦;事情演變至此,顯然美國已經一分為二。 南方七個州成立了另一個美國,很顯然代表著 The United States 這個名詞的瓦解,歸根究柢,這不是一場解放黑奴的戰爭,而是一場反分裂的戰爭;任何一個當政者都不希望國家在自己手上分裂、瓦解,個性溫文如林肯也是如此;想想中國歷史,不也是這樣?! 在網路無國界的今日,美國南方各州(忘了是哪裡)還架站緬懷當年南方的英勇子弟,為了捍衛自己的利益,勇敢挺身而出、前仆後繼;即便如此,他們還是沒有達到最後「獨立」的目的;台灣呢?西藏呢? 題外話,看看美國車的品質,就可以知道當年,難怪南方各州想要脫離北方各州另行聯邦! |
Joan Baez 的版本歌詞和原唱有少許出入,茲將原始版本歌詞張貼於後,有興趣者請參考:
Virgil Caine is the name and I served on the Danville train
'Til Stoneman's cavalry came and tore up the tracks again In the winter of '65, we were hungry, just barely alive By May the tenth, Richmond had fell, it's a time I remember oh so well The night they drove Old Dixie down and the bells were ringing The night they drove Old Dixie down and the people were singing, they went La-la-la la-la-la, la-la-la la-la-la, la-la-la-la Back with my wife in Tennessee, when one day she called to me "Virgil, quick, come see, there goes Robert E. Lee!" Now I don't mind chopping wood, and I don't care if the money's no good Ya take what ya need and ya leave the rest But they should never have taken the very best The night they drove old Dixie down and the bells were ringing The night they drove old Dixie down and all the people were singing, they went Na-na-na na-na-na, na-na-na na-na-na, na-na-na-na Like my father before me, I will work the land And like my brother before me, who took a rebel stand He was just eighteen, proud and brave But a Yankee laid him in his grave I swear by the mud below my feet You can't raise a Caine back up when he's in defeat The night they drove old Dixie down and the bells were ringing The night they drove old Dixie down and all the people were singing, they went Na-na-na na-na-na, na-na-na na-na-na, na-na-na-na The night they drove old Dixie down and all the bells were ringing The night they drove old Dixie down and the people were singing, they went Na-na-na na-na-na, na-na-na na-na-na, na-na-na-na |
The Band
的原唱版本發行於 1969 年