rappinghood Tom Tom Club (Music & Lyric: Chris Frantz, Steven Stanley, Tina Weymouth) What are words worth What are words worth, words Words in papers, words in books Words on TV, words for crooks Words of comfort, words of peace Words to make the fighting cease Words to tell you what to do Words are working hard for you Eat your words but don't go hungry Words have always nearly hung me What are words worth What are words worth, words Words of nuance, words of skill And words of romance are a thrill Words are stupid, words are fun Words can put you on the run Mots pressx mots sensx Mots qui disent la vit Mots maudits mots mentis Mots qui manquent le fruit desprit What are words worth What are words worth, words It's a rap race, with a fast pace Concrete words, abstract words Crazy words and lying words Hazy words and dying words Words of faith and tell me straight Rare words and swear words Good words and bad words What are words worth What are words worth, words Words can make you pay and pay Four-letter words I cannot say Panty, toilet, dirty devil Words are trouble, words are subtle Words of anger, words of hate Words over here, words out there In the air and everywhere Words of wisdom, words of strife Words that write the book I like Words won't find no right solution to the planet earth's pollution Say the right word make a million Words are like a certain person Who can't say what they mean Don't mean what they say With a rap rap here and a rap rap there Here a rap there a rap Everywhere a rap rap Rap it up for the common good Let us enlist the neighborhood It's okay, I've overstood This is a wordy rappinghood, okay, bye What are words worth? What are words worth? - words What are words worth? What are words worth? - words......... |
七嘴八舌 湯湯俱樂部 言語的價值為何? 言語的價值為何? 報紙上的言語,書中的言語 電視裡的言語,偷拐搶騙的言語 撫慰人心的言語,和平的言語 讓紛爭止息的言語 指引你何去何從的言語 為你竭盡心力的言語 食言而肥,別讓自己挨餓 言語總是讓我三心二意、拿不定主意 言語的價值為何? 言語的價值為何? 似是而非的言語,語帶玄機的言語 浪漫夢幻的言語最讓人膽戰心驚 愚蠢的言語,搞笑的言語 言語有時能教人拔腿就跑 言語的價值為何? 言語的價值為何? 這是個快速的說唱競賽 具體的言語,抽象的言語 瘋狂的言語,撒謊的言語 模稜兩可的言語,交代遺言的言語 信仰的言語啟發心靈 稀有的言語,發誓的言語 好的言語和壞的言語 言語的價值為何? 言語的價值為何? 言語能教人傾家蕩產 出口成髒的話不許說 內褲、廁所、髒鬼等等 言語帶來麻煩,言語意在言外 憤怒的言語,怨恨的言語 這裡、那裡都有言語 天上地下充斥著各式各樣的言語 智慧的言語,衝突的言語 我喜愛的書裡所寫出的的言語 言語未必能找出正確的方法以解決地球的汙染問題 說出對的話有時能讓你賺進大把鈔票 言語就像某些特定人士 總是言不及義 總是言不由衷 這裡說說,那裡唱唱 這邊饒舌,那邊長舌 到處都在七嘴八舌 為共同利益來高唱闊論吧! 把左鄰右舍厝邊頭尾都拉進來 沒問題, 這是喋喋不休的饒舌聚會,OK,掰! 言語的價值為何? 言語的價值為何? 言語的價值為何? 言語的價值為何? |