Aubrey Bread And Aubrey was her name A not so very ordinary girl or name But who's to blame? For a love that wouldn't bloom For the hearts that never played in tune Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing Take away the words that rhyme it doesn't mean a thing And Aubrey was her name We tripped the light and danced together to the moon But where was June No it never came around If it did it never made a sound Maybe I was absent or was listening too fast Catching all the words, but then the meaning going past But God I miss the girl And I'd go a thousand times around the world Just to be closer to her than to me And Aubrey was her name I never knew her, but I loved her just the same I loved her name Wish that I had found the way and the reasons that would make her stay I have learned to lead a life apart from all the rest If I can't have the one I want, I'll do without the best But how I miss the girl And I'd go a million times around the world just to say She had been mine for a day |
奧布芮 麵包合唱團 奧布芮就是她的芳名 一個和名字一樣不平凡的女孩 但這又能怪誰 一段沒有開花結果的愛情 沒有共鳴的兩顆心 像一首人人會唱的美妙旋律 去掉押韻以後,就毫無意義 奧布芮就是她的芳名 我們乘著月光舞向明月 但六月在何方? 它從未來到 即使來了,也是不聲不響 也許是我錯過,或沒聽清楚 了解了每一個字,但其意義又已過時 上帝,我想念這個女孩 我願意繞著世界千百回 只要能讓我靠近她一點 奧布芮是她的芳名 我從不認識她,但我一樣愛她 我愛她的名字 但願我已找到方法和理由 能讓她留下來 我已學會摒除一切,用心去生活 如果不能擁有心愛的人,我無法全力以赴 我多麼想念這個女孩 我願意環繞世界千萬次,只為了說........ 她曾經有一天屬於我 |
據說大衛蓋茲在看了奧黛麗赫本主演的《 第凡內早餐 》之後,寫出了這首歌。也許是因為劇情觸動了內心,也可能是喜愛女主角奧黛麗赫本,因為" Aubrey
"和奧黛麗赫本的原文名字" Audrey "只差了一個字母。歌曲內容是描述歌者對 Aubrey
這位女孩不求回報的愛戀,可能是初戀,可能是不敢言說的愛慕。 關於奧黛麗赫本,請見以下網頁連結: |
麥克風延長線 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
If 如果 —Bread
Diary 日記
─Bread |