Bread If a picture paints a thousand words Then why can't I paint you? The words will never show the you I've come to know If a face could launch a thousand ships Then where am I to go? There's no one home but you You're all that's left me too And when my love for life is running dry You come and pour yourself on me If a man could be two places at one time I'd be with you Tomorrow and today Beside you all the way If the world should stop revolving Spinning slowly down to die I'd spend the end with you And when the world was through Then one by one the stars would all go out And you and I would simply fly away |
如 果
麵包合唱團 如果一幅畫能畫出千言萬語 那麼,為何我畫不出妳? 千言萬語也無法形容我所認識的妳 如果一張容顏能讓千百艘船啟航 那我將何去何從? 在我心中只有妳 你也是唯一留在我心中的人 當我對生命的愛日漸乾涸 你前來,將自己傾注於我心中 如果一個人分身有術 我願與你同在 無論今日明日 我將永遠陪伴在你身旁 如果世界停止轉動 慢慢停下,直到毀滅 我會陪你到最後 當世界已經結束 星子們將一顆一顆的熄滅 你我將共效于飛……… |
樂友劉建興的歌詞意譯: 《 如 願 》 圖畫若能語萬千, 上窮碧落下黃泉, 緣何難繪卿形影? 詞窮語拙意難全。 風華絕代羞落雁, 幽王烽火求笑顏, 荒漠孤煙身何去? 惟卿形影方寸間。 半生輾轉孓然身, 卿注愛泉如甘霖, 奈何兩地相思苦, 願得相伴現本尊。 假若世間停轉輪, 天地萬物歸混沌, 願為卿伴同寂滅, 身隨卿身魂繫魂。 星宿淡出絕紅塵, 燭滅燈枯不復存, 翩然化作比翼鳥, 雙宿雙飛去尋春。 2017. 5. 30 意譯自麵包合唱團" If " |
麥克風延長線 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
Make it with you 與你共度 —Bread
Everything I own 我擁有的一切 —Bread |