Shanghai breezes John
Denver It's funny how you sound as if you're right next door When you're really half a world away I just can't seem to find the words I'm looking for To say the things that I want to say I can't remember when I felt so close to you It's almost more than I can bear And though I seem a half a million miles from you You are in my heart and living there *And the moon and the stars are the same ones you see It's the same old sun up in the sky And your voice in my ear is like heaven to me Like the breezes here in old Shanghai There are lovers who walk hand in hand in the park And lovers who walk all alone There are lovers who lie unafraid in the dark And lovers who long for home Oh, I couldn't leave you even if I wanted to You're in my dreams and always near And especially when I sing the songs I wrote for you You are in my heart and living there (*) Shanghai breezes cool and clearing Evening's sweet caress Shanghai breezes soft and gentle Remind me of your tenderness And the moon and the stars are the same ones you see It's the same old sun up in the sky And your love in my life is like heaven to me Like the breezes here in old Shanghai Just like the breezes here in old Shanghai |
上海的微風 約翰丹佛 真有趣,妳的聲音聽起來就像在隔壁而已 其實妳是在半個世界以外 我一時找不到適當的字眼 來表達心中想說的話 我不記得和你感覺如此靠近是在何時 讓我幾乎無法忍受 雖然我離妳有數千哩遠 妳就住在我心底 這兒的月亮和星星和妳看到的一樣 天上掛的是同一個太陽 妳的聲音聽在我耳裡,就像天籟一樣 如同這古老的上海的微風 公園裡情侶們手牽著手散步 也有形單影隻的戀人 有些情侶毫無畏懼的躺在暗處 有些情侶則想要回家 噢!即使我想,我也離不開妳 妳永遠都在我夢裡,永遠陪在身旁 特別是當我唱起為妳寫的歌 妳就住在我心底 上海的微風清新沁涼 像黃昏甜美的愛撫 上海的微風柔和怡人 使我想起了妳的溫柔 這兒的月亮和星星和妳看到的一樣 天上掛的是同一個太陽 妳的愛對我的人生而言,就像天堂一般 如同這古老的上海的微風 如同這古老的上海的微風 |
![]() 1979 年元月,中國總理鄧小平訪美,在甘迺迪文化中心觀賞戴著牛仔帽的約翰丹佛表演多首經典曲目,留下了深刻的印象。由於當時西方的流行音樂仍被中共當局視為毒蛇猛獸,只有形象良好的鄉村音樂可以放行入關。不久以後,約翰丹佛成為第一位受邀到中國大陸開演唱會的美國歌手。 約翰丹佛隻身到上海演唱,晚上和妻子通完電話後,在公園散步時有感而發,寫下了" Shanghai breezes "。從歌詞看來,顯然是一首獻給妻子 Annie Martell Denver 的情歌。除此之外,約翰丹佛著名的歌曲" Annie's song "、" Perhaps love "也都是寫給妻子安妮的傳世情歌。 約翰丹佛是美國少數能夠橫跨流行領域的鄉村歌手," Shanghai breezes "收錄在他 1982 年 出版的《 Seasons Of The Heart 》專輯,發行單曲後成為他第 15 首打進全美百大單曲榜前 40 名的歌曲。 在約翰丹佛的眾多暢銷曲中," Shanghai breezes "的知名度稍低,西洋歌曲選輯裡很少收錄,但老安十分偏愛這首歌,尤其喜歡歌詞中寫的" 這兒的月亮和星星和妳看到的一樣,天上掛的是同一個太陽;妳的聲音聽在我耳裡,就像天籟一樣,如同這古老的上海的微風 ",這和蘇軾寫的" 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟 "有異曲同工之趣。 儘管約翰丹佛為妻子寫過多首情歌,但兩人最後還是以離異收場,詳情請參閱" Perhaps love "的背景解說。 |
麥克風延長線 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |