April, come she
will Simon & Garfunkel April, come she will When streams are ripe and swelled with rain May, she will stay Resting in my arms again June, she'll change her tune In restless walks she'll prowl the night July, she will fly And give no warning to her flight August, die she must The autumn winds blow chilly and cold September, I'll remember A love once new has now grown old |
四月,她將到來 賽門與葛芬柯二重唱 四月,她將到來 小溪因雨水的挹注而豐盈 五月,她會留下 再次在我懷裡安歇 六月,她會更改曲調 在夜裡無止盡的徘徊踱步 七月,她將遠颺 毫無預告就遠走高飛 八月,她必得死去 秋天的風揚起颯爽涼意 九月,我會記得 曾經清新的愛如今已然老去 |
麥克風延長線 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |