Still crazy after all these years Paul Simon I met my old lover on the street last night She seemed so glad to see me I just smiled And we talked about some old times And we drank ourselves some beers Still crazy after all these years Still crazy after all these years I'm not the kind of man Who tends to socialize I seem to lean on old familiar ways And I ain't no fool for love songs That whisper in my ears Still crazy after all these years Still crazy after all these years Four in the morning Crapped out Yawning Longing my life away I'll never worry Why should l? Its all gonna fade Now I sit by my window And I watch the cars I fear I'll do some damage One fine day But I would not be convicted By a jury of my peers Still crazy Still crazy Still crazy after all these years |
多年以後依然瘋狂 保羅賽門 昨晚在街上遇見了舊情人 她似乎很高興能見到我 而我只是笑了笑 我們聊到了往日時光 也喝了幾瓶啤酒 多年以後,依然瘋狂 多年以後,依然瘋狂 我並不是那種人 那種圓融世故的人 我似乎一直依循著熟悉的生活方式 我不是那種聽情歌的傻子 老是讓情歌在耳裡低訴 多年以後,依然瘋狂 多年以後,依然瘋狂 清晨四點 外面黑濛濛一片 我打著哈欠 渴望逃離我的生活 我從來不擔憂 何必呢? 一切都會沒事的 此刻,我依坐在窗邊 看著來往的車輛 我怕自己會造成一些傷害 毀了這美好的一天 但我不願被定罪 被和我同輩的陪審團 依然瘋狂 依然瘋狂 多年以後,依然瘋狂 |
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麥克風延長線 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |